Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sick Babies

My sweet little babies are sick. Hanna with a cold and ear infection and Hailee with Pnemonia. It has been a really long and expensive week for the Ritter family. With six doctor visits, one hospital visit and one Urgikids visit, I think the girls are on the road to recovery. Yippie! I know every mother hates when their children are sick but this time was probably the most emotional for me. I hope Hailee never again feels as aweful as she has this past week. Get better fast girls cause mommy needs to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!! ha ha :)
Thank you papa and Gamma Gail for bringing over goodies to keep the girls busy. We love you!!!

Bye Bye Diapers

I can't believe how fast they grow!!!
My last post was bye bye bottles and now bye bye diapers....Hanna is officially potty trained (22 months). Yeah Hanna! She had been interested in the big girl potty for a few month going pee pee here and there but nothing too spectacular. Within the last two weeks she has been wearing big girl undies (Elmo undies are her favorite.) She has had her fair share of accidents but has done awesome. We are so proud of you Hanna!